Studies of You
I wait
anticipating your presence at the door,
I wait,
watch your shadow strengthen along the floor,
I wait,
Naked except for the completeness of your scent,
I wait,
heart seized,
already grieving for your leaving.
While I sleep
You slip into my heart,
And I wake with just you,
My high harvests gathered, binned:
Sated within you
Nothing remains of my selves
My faces are dissolved,
My shadows sundered:
All I was is now You
Your green stretches, turns to blue
I look at you,
The face of the one I love.
I see you smile,
The smile of one without reflection,
All within the blue your green,
Their numbers perfecting your One.
I look upon you,
The form of the One I love.
I see you smile:
Your green stretches, turns to blue;
Uncut, as the first, is, true.
Haq! You are the One, the sum.
Dare I love you, send my words flattering
Emissaries from my tongue tied heart?
Enraptured I by the I within you
I dare:
Shines within you the I above I,
Lives within you that I I love,
And my eyes dare to unpeel the self,
That which my lips would keep puttied,
Fleshed in the flesh bound to the flesh,
And drenched with you, my love
I enter,
My egg, my soul bound to your sum.
I move desiring You
Born of water into water
My tracks are traced with that water
Born of the mountain, the red rock
In whose shade rests my heavy jug.
I’ve travelled far to quench my thirst,
My clay parched by roads dead and cursed,
Crossed countries sanded, rivers killed,
Driven by the heart, moved by my thirst
For you: All I am is built on love
For you: My hunger a sign of love
For you: I move desiring you.
I will not wait until that moment
When dying I’ll say I’ve never drunk
your blood, Eaten of your wet flesh: (, that wine and bread divine.)
I move desiring you, your truth.